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Boucle Fabric

Browse our collection of high quality Boucle Fabric, a beautifully textured material, perfect for creating both chic garments and stylish home decor. From cozyteddy boucle fabric coats to stylishboucle tweedjackets, this fabric is essential for modern sewing projects.

Boucle fabric is known for its soft, looped texture and is also a great choice for upholstery projects - such as a boucle fabric sofa, cushions, seat covers, and more. This fabric adds warmth and luxury to any space.

Explore our Boucle Fabrics UK collection, featuring a range of options for clothing, accessories, and interior design.

Shop Boucle Fabric by the metre at Pound Fabrics and enjoy premium materials for your next project - all available at unbeatable prices to help you save on every order! With over 25,000+ positive reviews, enjoy unbeatable prices and the best price guarantee on all our textiles!

Pound Fabrics offers quality boucle material at unbeatable prices - save with every order!