

Best Fabric Price Guaranteed

Fabrics from £1 per metre

99,000+ Reviews

Fabric Bundles/Remnants

A selection of fabric bundles offering incredible value! Make huge savings with our below fabric bundles. Fabric in these bundles works out at a super discounted price - with fabric from just 60p per metre! Pound Fabrics stocks the most affordable fabrics online.


Just take a look at what our customers have been saying...

"I selected a mystery package, I was delighted to receive three of the most delightful fabrics and three metres of each. Absolutely delighted with the quality (was worried about the quality at £1 a mtr!). Will definitely purchase again."

"Having received lots of positive comments about Pound fabrics I ordered the stretch bundle. I was pleasantly surprised when I received the package. The material is great . I don't think I would have made such good choices. I have made up a hoodie with one of the pieces and am pleased with the result. I will definitely buy again."

Pound Fabrics offers you the most affordable fabrics online